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Atividade de Inglês Intermediário (B2/C1) - Penguin chicks rescued by unlikely hero | Spy in the Snow - BBC

Foto do escritor: Davi CarneiroDavi Carneiro

Atualizado: 20 de jan. de 2024

Pinguins protegendo-se de predador

Essa atividade de inglês é feita pensando em estudantes de nível intermediário/avançado (B2/C1).


Start with the warmer, then watch the video and do the practice. It's ok if you want to read the transcript when you start answering the questions. It might be necessary to allow the cookies in order to load part of the content of the website.



Watch the video

Practice 1



Do you know anything about penguins?

What is the main challenge faced by the penguins in the video?

Why do the penguins try to flee from the Giant petrel?

What can humans learn from the behavior of the Adélie penguin in this video?

If you could be any animal, which one would you choose and why?

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